Harán figuras de personajes de Lost
Harán figuras de acción de los personajes de Lost (Perdidos). Serán replicas de Jack, Kate, Locke, Hurley, Charlie y Shannon. Medirán 6 pulgadas de alto, estarán detalladas, capturando un momento en específico de algún episodio. Adicionalmente incluirán un objeto que represente la historia del personaje, por ejemplo la figura de Kate vendra con un avion de juguete. Hurley traerá un billete de lotería.
Contendran pequeños audios con dialogos de los actores, Hurley dirá "Alto detenganse, los numeros son malos"
Tambien se lanzarán cajas de lujo, recreando momentos claves entre varios personajes, unos dioramas a pequeña escala en locaciones de la isla o dentro de la escotilla.
Tambien se lanzarán cajas de lujo, recreando momentos claves entre varios personajes, unos dioramas a pequeña escala en locaciones de la isla o dentro de la escotilla.
ola amigos de lost quiero decir que el director de lost es un maldito hombre porque la serie es muy buena PERO el es un maldito porque el hizo que el papel de ian sopmerhalder o sea boone muriera
nada que ver que el chico lindo de la serie muriera podria haber muerto otro porque tenia que ser justo boone el mino rico el lindo de la serie aah! otra cosa quiero decir que shannon es muy tonta porque como prefiere a un isrealí feo como sayid antes que al lindo de boone ESO ES SER MUY TONTA quiero mandarles muchos saludos a mi actor preferido IAN SOMERHALDER mi sueño es conocerlo en persona ya que lo he visto en muchas series y hasta en peliculas lo amo eres un amor ian somerhalder el debio ser el principal el que nunca debió morir
chao saludos a los chicos de lost no le mando ningun saludo al director por su maravilloso trabajo porque el puso en el papel de boone su muerte cosa que yo no estoy de acuerdo boone y shannon harían bonita pareja juntos saludos a ustedes en especial a IAN SOMERHALDER
hello friends of lost I mean that the director of lost is a damn man because the series is very good BUT he is a damn one because it did that the paper of ian to somerhalder that is boone died
nothing that to see that the pretty boy of the series died could have died another one because tapeworm that to be right boone I mine rich pretty of the series aah! another thing I mean that shannon is very idiot because as prefers to an ugly isrealí like sayid before to pretty of boone the THAT IT IS TO BE VERY IDIOT I want to send to them to many greetings to my favourite actor IAN SOMERHALDER my dream is to know it in person since I have seen it in many series and until in films it master you are a love ian to somerhalder debio to be main the one that never had to die
ciao greetings to the boys of lost not him control no greeting to the director by its wonderful work because it put in the paper of boone his death thing that I do not agree together boone and shannon greetings to you in special would make pretty pair to IAN SOMERHALDER
it enchants to me ian to somerhalder wanted that it saw this post to see that he thinks of my its follower I love you ian
it wanted to speak with you I want to know if you have mail or messenger or something wanted to maintain to me informed into everything what it passes the bad thing is that I am of Chile and good that I take leave because I believe that I am boring to all the only one that desire is to be able to know ian to somerhalder in person and I want to ask pardon to him the director of lost by those words but is that boone must not have died that is a serious error to all this way did not seem to them well the death of boone does not concern greetings to all the boys of lost including the director and its wonderful work wanted that they ian saw east
agree with you, but guess what, seems that everybody on the island are like death or something, so, boone gotta be taking a walk near the losties, he'll be back soon hehehehe
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